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Abstract Guidelines and Submissions

  • Submissions open December 1, 2021 and closed April 15, 2022 at 11:59pm EST
    • Abstracts have been reopened for poster submissions ONLY
  • 150 words maximum, 1 figure maximum
  • Title may not start with ‘of’, ‘a’, or ‘the’
  • Only the first word of the title should be capitalized
  • Please download abstract template (here) and upload below as a .pdf file
  • Please submit your abstract under one of the following topics:
      • Thermal Chemistry CO2 to Chemicals
      • Electrochemical Photoelectrochemical Photochemical CO2 conversion
      • Biotechnology and Hybrid CO2 Conversion
      • Carbon Capture
      • CO2 in Solid and Liquid State Chemistry
      • Social, Business & Policy Aspects of CO2 Sequestration & Utilization
      • Carbon Mineralization